Thursday March 13th 2025

I is here as an educational tool.  Due to time restraints, we are no longer able to guarantee pictures and results of events.


Contest Rules
rules listed in color were updated or changed for 2008

General Rules

     1.  Each team must be "certified" by a state 4-H or a state FFA official from their state to be eligible to compete in the contest.
     2.  The same team or individuals may compete in Land Judging and Homesite  Evaluation.   Separate Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation teams are permitted, but the total number of teams representing a state may not be exceeded.
     3.  Bubble vials, levels, "slope shooters" notes, bulletins, etc., must not be used in the contest. Clean clipboards, preferable clear plastic, are allowed.

     4. Personal electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, MP3 players, and PDAs are prohibited during the entire contest.
     5.  No notes or markings are allowed on the contest score cards.  Figuring percent erosion can be done on the back of the card and erased.
     6.  Contest results submitted to contest officials by the tabulation committee are final unless obvious errors are noted before results are tabulated.
     7.  The winning team or individual must be present at the Awards Banquet to qualify for a championship trophy or medal, or it will be awarded to the next highest ranking team or individual present.
     8.  Tie scores will be broken as designated in the “Land Judging or Range Judging “ booklets.

     9.  Coaches, sponsors or parents must refrain from having any contact with the contestants during the contest.  They must not intermingle with the contestant when moving from field to field.  Coaches, sponsors and parents can participate in the Miscellaneous Division or otherwise stay away from the contest area.

     10.  Name badges must be worn during the contest.

     11. All score cards must be turned in after the last hole/site and only to the group leader.  Failure to turn in the score card will disqualify the contestant.

4-H and FFA Divisions
Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation

     1.  All contestants must be at least 14 years old on the date of the contest and must not have graduated from high school prior to the current year.

     2. A maximum of five 4-H and five FFA teams may enter from each state. These teams are eligible to participate in the Homesite Evaluation contest. Each state may also enter two additional Homesite Evaluation teams provided they meeting the criteria in rule 6.

     3. Each state is responsible for the methods used in selecting the five Land Judging teams and the two additional Homesite Evaluation teams to represent the state. Each team must be certified by your state’s official.

     4. Four contestants comprise a team.  The three highest scores determine the team score.  A team of three members will be permitted to enter.  If less than three members of a certified team are present, they may enter and compete as individual contestants or in the Miscellaneous Division.

     5. Team members compete for both team and individual prizes.

     6.  Any 4-H or FFA contestant who has participated in ANY previous National Land Judging or Homesite Evaluation contest will not be eligible to participate in this year's Land Judging contest. 

Contestants may compete in the Homesite Evaluation contest provided they were not a previous member of a champion or reserve champion team or a champion or reserve champion individual in Land Judging or Homesite evaluation.

Range Judging

     1.  All contestants must be at least 14 years old on the date of the contest and must not have graduated from high school prior to the current year.

     2.  Any county or local 4-H Club or FFA Chapter from any state may enter one team.

     3.  Four contestants comprise a team.  The three highest scores determine the team score.  A team of three members will be permitted to enter.  If less than three members from a club or chapter are present, they may enter as individual contestants.

     4.  Members of a team winning first place or the high individual in any previous National Range contest will not be eligible to participate in this year’s contest but may compete in the Land Judging or Homesite Evaluation.

Miscellaneous Division

     A Miscellaneous Division is available for coaches, adults and other 4-H and FFA members who wish to participate but not compete.







Links of interest:

The following site contains information to purchase practice texture kits:
Plant and Soil Sciences' Page                    

Old News Releases

 - Oklahoma Conservation Commission website