Copyright 2009 - Watonga Motel - All Rights
The following demonstration helps us
understand the small portion of earth capable of producing
food and emphasizes the importance that each generation use the soil wisely.
Cut the apple into four equal parts.
Three parts represent the
oceans of the world.
The fourth represents the land area.
Cut the land section in half lengthwise.
Now you have two
one-eighth pieces.
One section represents the deserts, swamps, mountainous, artic, and
Antarctic regions of the world.
The other one-eighth represents land where man can live but cannot grow
Slice this one-eighth section crosswise into four equal parts.
Three of these one thirty-second
sections represent the areas of the world which are either so rocky, wet
and hot,
or contain soil
so poor that food production is not possible.
Carefully peel the last one thirty-second section.
This small
bit of peeling represents the soil of
our earth that