James H. Stiegler, Extension Soils Specialist
Table of Contents

The Apple Demo

    Land Judging
Practice Fields

Practice Sites

Land Judging Competition

   April 27, 2002

Land Judging Field 1:
   Cards      Pictures
Land Judging Field 2:
   Cards      Pictures
Land Judging Field 3:
   Cards      Pictures
Land Judging Field 4:
   Cards      Pictures
Homesite Cards:
Site 1
Site 3
Site 4
4-H    FFA

2001 cards, pictures, and contest results

Pasture and Range

51st Annual National Land and Range Contest
Past Champions:  4H Land | 4H Range | 4H Homesite | FFA Land | FFA Range | FFA Homesite Past Honorees
For comments or suggestions please write: woodruff@pldi.net