Soil Factors Part 1
Check Appropriate Square
A. Texture
Sur. Sub.
1. Coarse
2. Moderately Coarse
3. Medium 4
4. Moderately Fine 4
5. Fine
B. Depth of Soil 5
1. Deep
2. Moderately Deep
3. Shallow
4. Very Shallow
C. Slope 4
1. Nearly Level
2. Gently Sloping
3. Moderately Sloping
4. Strongly Sloping
5. Steep
6. Very Steep
D. Erosion - Wind & Water 4
1. None to Slight
2. Moderate
3. Severe
4. Very Severe
E. Permeability 5
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
F. Surface Runoff 3
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
G. Major Factors that keep land out of class I 8
H. Land Capability Class 8
Recommended Land Treatments
Part 2
A. Vegetative
1. Row crop/occ
2. Row crop/fre
3. Row crop 2 of 4
4. Row crop 1 of 5 5
5. Return crop res. 5
6. Practice cons tillage 5
7. Est. grass or legumes
8. Proper Management
9. Protect Burn
10. Control Grazing
11. Plant Rec. trees
12. Harvest trees selectively
13. Wildlife & Recreation
B. Mechanical
14. Control trees
15. Terrace 5
16. Maintain Terraces 5
17. Diversion terrace
18. Drainage system
19. Control gullies
20. No mechanical treatment
C. Fertilizer and Soil Amendments
21. Soil Amendments
22. Phosphorus
23. Potassium
24. Nitrogen 5
25. Not Needed
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