Field 1
.... soil has a slightly
smooth or velvety feel when moist. Squeezed when dry, it forms a
mold that will bear careful handling. The mold formed by
squeezing when moist can be handled freely, without breaking.
When the moistened soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger, it will form a poor ribbon with a dull surface. |
Field 2
....soil has a slightly smooth
or velvety feel when moist. Squeezed when dry, it forms a mold
that will bear careful handling. The mold formed by squeezing
when moist can be handled freely, without breaking. When the
moistened soil is squeezed out between thumb and forefinger, it
will form a poor ribbon with a dull surface. |
Field 3
.... soil has a slightly
smooth or velvety feel when moist. Squeezed when dry, it forms a
mold that will bear careful handling. The mold formed by
squeezing when moist can be handled freely, without breaking.
When the moistened soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger, it will form a poor ribbon with a dull surface. |
Field 4
.... soil has a slightly
smooth or velvety feel when moist. Squeezed when dry, it forms a
mold that will bear careful handling. The mold formed by
squeezing when moist can be handled freely, without breaking.
When the moistened soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger, it will form a poor ribbon with a dull surface. |
... soil form very hard,
massive lumps or clods when dry and are quite plastic and sticky
when wet. When the moist soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger it crushes with considerable effort and will form a
long (2 inch+) ribbon which will support itself. The sandy clay
texture may also have a slightly gritty feel when moist. |
.... soil form very hard,
massive lumps or clods when dry and are quite plastic and sticky
when wet. When the moist soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger it crushes with considerable effort and will form a
long (2 inch+) ribbon which will support itself. The sandy clay
texture may also have a slightly gritty feel when moist. |
... soil usually breaks into clods or
lumps when dry. When the moist soil is squeezed out between
thumb and forefinger, it crushes with some effort. It will form
a short (1 inch to 2 inch) well-formed ribbon with a shiny
surface which will tend to break or the ribbon will bend
downward. The sandy clay loam texture has a slightly gritty feel
when moist. |
.... soil has a slightly
smooth or velvety feel when moist. Squeezed when dry, it forms a
mold that will bear careful handling. The mold formed by
squeezing when moist can be handled freely, without breaking.
When the moistened soil is squeezed out between thumb and
forefinger, it will form a poor ribbon with a dull surface. |
no treatment needing observation is observed |
Soil Amendments:
pH 6.8
P2O5 70
K2O 310
Nitrogen is deficient
no treatment needing observation is observed |
Soil Amendments:
pH 6.0
P2O5 55
Nitrogen is deficient
no treatment needing observation is observed |
Soil Amendments:
pH 6.0
P2O5 50
K2O 280
Nitrogen is deficient
are observed within the boundaries
overhead water problem |
Soil Amendments:
pH 6.9
P2O5 75
K2O 315
Nitrogen is deficient