contestant name:


1 2 3 4
1. Coarse
2. Mod. Coarse
3. Medium
4. Mod. Fine
5. Fine
1. Coarse
2. Mod. Coarse
3. Medium
4. Mod. Fine
5. Fine
Depth of Soil:
1. Deep
2. Moderately deep
3. Shallow
4. Very Shallow
1. Nearly Level
2. Gently Sloping
3. Moderately Sloping
4. Strongly Sloping
5. Steep
6. Very Steep
Erosion - Wind and Water:
1. None to slight
2. Moderate
3. Severe
4. Very severe
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
Surface Runoff:
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
Four-Field Card, State '07
Information Sheet

Major Factors: that keep area out of Class I
1. Texture
2. Depth
3. Slope
4. Erosion
5. Permeability
6. Runoff
7. Wetness
8. Flooding
9. None
Land Capability Class:
1. Class I
2. Class II
3. Class III
4. Class IV
5. Class V
6. Class VI
7. Class VII
8. Class VIII
Vegetative: Use Soil conserving and/or soil improving crops
1. Row crop/occasional soil conserving crop
2. Row crop/frequent soil conserving crop
3. Row crops not more than 2 out of 4 years
4. Row crops not more than 1 out of 5 years
5. Return crop residue to the soil
6. Practice conservation tillage
7. Establish recommended grass or grass and legumes
8. Proper pasture and range management
9. Protect from burning
10. Control grazing
11. Plant recommended trees
12. Harvest trees selectively
13. Use only for wildlife or recreation area

1: 2: 3: 4: Total:
14. Control brush or trees
15. Terrace and farm on contour
16. Maintain terraces
17. Construct diversion terraces
18. Install drainage system
19. Control gullies
20. No mechanical treatment

21. Soil amendments
22. Phosphorus (P)
23. Potassium (K)
24. Nitrogen (N)
25. No fertilizer or soil amendments

Official Card