Soil Factors Part 1
Check Appropriate Square
A. Texture
Sur. Sub.
1. Coarse
2. Moderately Coarse
3. Medium 4
4. Moderately Fine
5. Fine 4
B. Depth of Soil 4
1. Deep
2. Moderately Deep
3. Shallow
4. Very Shallow
C. Slope 5
1. Nearly Level
2. Gently Sloping
3. Moderately Sloping
4. Strongly Sloping
5. Steep
6. Very Steep
D. Erosion - Wind & Water 3
1. None to Slight
2. Moderate
3. Severe
4. Very Severe
E. Permeability 5
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
F. Surface Runoff 4
1. Rapid
2. Moderate
3. Slow
4. Very Slow
G. Major Factors that keep land out of class I 8
1. Texture
2. Depth
3. Slope
4. Erosion
5. Permeability
6. Runoff
7. Wetness
8. Flooding
9. None
H. Land Capability Class 8
1. Class I
2. Class II
3. Class III
4. Class IV
5. Class V
6. Class VI
7. Class VII
8. Class VIII

STATE - 2004 field 4 - Official
Recommended Land Treatments
Part 2
A. Vegetative
1. Row crop/occ
2. Row crop/fre 6
3. Row crop 2 of 4
4. Row crop 1 of 5
5. Return crop res. 4
6. Practice cons tillage 4
7. Est. grass or legumes
8. Proper Management
9. Protect Burn
10. Control Grazing
11. Plant Rec. trees
12. Harvest trees selectively
13. Wildlife & Recreation
B. Mechanical
14. Control trees
15. Terrace
16. Maintain Terraces
17. Diversion terrace 10
18. Drainage system
19. Control gullies
20. No mechanical treatment
C. Fertilizer and Soil Amendments
21. Soil Amendments 3
22. Phosphorus 3
23. Potassium
24. Nitrogen
25. Not Needed